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Are there any children who aren’t suitable for the nasal spray flu vaccine (Fluenz Tetra)? 

Pregnancy and Children
Last updated: 11/11/23
ANSWER BY: Dr Richard Dawood Medical Director
Date Added: 09/08/21

The nasal spray flu vaccine is only licensed for use in children aged over 24 months (2 years). Children aged 6 months to 2 years can receive the standard, injected flu vaccine instead of the nasal flu spray.

As the nasal flu vaccine (Fluenz Tetra) contains live virus, although weakened and unable to cause a flu infection, there are a small number of children that may not be suitable for the nasal spray.

Children with the following conditions may not be suitable:

  • severe asthma (children with mild or moderate asthma are able to have the flu nasal spray)
  • active wheezing at the time of vaccination
  • a severely weakened immune system
  • an egg allergy
  • salicylate treatment

These children are still able to get the flu jab. They can be vaccinated using the standard, injected flu vaccine.

If you have any concerns or questions you can speak to your doctor prior to vaccination. They will be able to advise you which vaccine would be best for your child.

Please note that there remain supply issues with Fluenz outside the NHS.

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