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Trouble shooting and frequently asked questions

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Client Portal : Troubleshooting
Client Portal : Troubleshooting

Where can I find the Strains that are in my vaccine?

If you are an HR manager with access to the HR portal this will be on the FAQs document within the “HR resources” tab. If you are an employee this will be in the attached FAQ document that comes with your booking confirmation email.

Client Portal : Troubleshooting

Why is the system not tracking the open & click rates?

When using the invite feature you need to have used the special tracking code “ *BOOKINGLINK* ” for the booking link. If you cut & paste your booking URL link that does not have the specific code tracking in place. We recommend resending your invite using the code to track progress *BOOKINGLINK* .

Client Portal : Troubleshooting

Why has no-one received my flu vaccination invitations from the system?

Did you ensure your excel spreadsheet was saved in a .CSV file format? The mail platform can only send out invitations when the file format is correct.

Client Portal : Troubleshooting

Why can’t my staff access the portal?

Please contact your I.T. department and ask them to add the flujabs.org domain to the “permitted list”.

Staff will receive booking confirmation, reminder and cancellation emails from: automated@fleetstreetclinic.com.

The HR contact will receive emails from: no-reply@admin.flujabs.org.

Ensuring these are “permitted” senders  will help prevent overzealous spam filters from blocking flujabs appointment and system emails.

If you continue to experience issues, please contact our Flu Admin team on 0845 050 5388 or flu_admin@flujabs.org .

Client Portal : Troubleshooting

I have forgotten my password?

In the first instance you should attempt to reset you password by clicking the “Forgot Password?” text on our client log in page. It will initiate a new webpage which will ask you to enter your email address to rest your password – click here for a fast link to that page.

If you have difficulties or this doesn’t work, please contact our flu admin team on 0845 050 5388 and they can reset your password for you.

You will receive an email with the link. If you have not received the email, please check your spam folder.