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No shortage of Flu vaccines at Flujabs.org

A worldwide delay is threatening to affect the supply of workplace flu vaccination programmes to the UK with many Flu providers delaying their workplace Flu programmes until December.

Flujabs.org, part of the Fleet Street Clinic would like to reassure our client that we are currently unaffected by this delay; we still have availability for workplace Flu programmes during October and November.

Due to the mutation of a flu strain which severely affected the southern hemisphere, the World Health Organization (WHO) delayed announcing the vaccine composition for the 2019/20 flu season. The delay has impacted many vaccine manufacturers who are responsible for supplying to a number of other health organisations, such as the NHS. Fortunately, due to a combination of effective planning and utilising a strong supply chain, Flujabs.org have experienced minimal disruption.

Charita Sopa, Flujabs.org’s Project Manager, has good news for FluJabs.org clients: “We have got healthy stocks on all types of flu vaccines and are not experiencing the problems that seem to be affecting other providers. For us, it’s very much business as usual.”

“Following reports of shortages and manufacturing delays circulating in March, we invested in additional stock much earlier than previous years to account for this year’s anticipated disrupted supply. We have multiple supplier agreements in place and are therefore happy that worldwide shortages currently have minimal impact on our ability to provide seasonal workplace flu services for our clients.”

“Ensuring continuity of the supply of our medicines is paramount, meaning we are able to offer our clients flu programmes in October and November when other providers may not be in the same position.”

Fleet Street Clinic currently holds ample stocks of 3 types of flu vaccines: Quadrivalent, FluAd (for over 65s), and Cell-based Quadrivalent.

Flu vaccines take between two and three weeks to achieve full protection. The optimal time for vaccination is between October and December, ready for winter, so now is the perfect time to contact us to book your workplace flu programme.

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