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Do I need an appointment for my flu jab?

Booking preparation
Last updated: 19/04/24
ANSWER BY: Sandy Karavadra Clinic Manager
Date Added: 09/08/21


Before the pandemic, we used to operate a walk in service, but we now operate a simple online booking system that that allows all documentation to be completed in advance, shortens your visit, and helps manage the flow of patients attending the clinic.

If you are booking in for an onsite session, you need to click the link provided by your HR/ business contact – this is unique to your company and will only show availability that is free.

If you are attending an appointment at the Fleet Street Clinic, you will need to book through our main Fleet Street Clinic website, as if you were a private patient. A discount code will be supplied to the HR manager who will be able to share with you once you have been verified which will remove the cost of the appointment.

If you have any problems booking your appointment you contact your HR manager at your company who will be able to assist you in the first instance. They can escalate this to a member of the corporate flu team if required.

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